Dallas Event Videographer Plano West 2008

Dallas Event videographer

Dallas Event Videographer Presents Plano West Senior High Graduation June 10, 2008 at Reunion Arena

[flowplayer src=’https://lenicamvideoproductions.com/wp-content/videos/Graduation2008ForWeb.mp4′ width=512 height=384 splash=’https://lenicamvideoproductions.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/271_271_Internal500-111.jpg’]

Dallas Event Videographer

Plano West Graduation 2008 by Dallas Event Videographer

June 10, 2008

Click on the image of the DVD for a 6 minute highlight video of the last year’s graduation.

If you would like to purchase the DVD, it contains the hightlight video as well as the entire Ceremony from two camera angles.

You can order one as a gift and have it shipped to your friend or relative with a special note from you.
Below are examples of screen shots of the DVD.

Dallas Event Videographer

Dallas Event Videographer

Dallas Event Videographer

Premium Graduation DVD

This handsomely packaged DVD provides you with multiple camera angles of the entire graduation. It features close ups of the students entering the arena, the speakers on the platform, special music, and each student crossing the stage and receiving his or her diploma.

The DVD Menu contains buttons to quickly locate the part of your interest. During the diploma ceremony, you can select one of the buttons with letters of the alphabet to aid in finding your student.

Still AVAILABLE.The Price is $36 per DVD plus $3.50 shipping per order.

LeniCam Video Productions – Dallas Event Videographer

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