Gallery for Dallas Event Videographer
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To see more Dallas Event Videographer samples check out the events archive. Or use our search bar.
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(These videos have been modified for easy online loading. Please call us to view actual video samples.)
What event are you planning? A wedding, a sports competition, a dance recital, a play, a professional conference, a birthday party, a golden wedding anniversary, a Bar/Bat Mitzvah, a Quincenaro? LeniCam Video Productions does it all. We cover Dallas,the Metroplex and all of North Texas. We have a large inventory of audio, video and photographic equipment so that we can handle whatever needs you might have. We’ve even custom developed proprietary video equipment that allows us to get the shots others videographers have to miss. After more than a decade of producing videos for Dallas and the surrounding areas, we have the experience and maturity you need for your once in a lifetime events.
When you call us, we’ll discuss your event and what you want out of the finished video. We employ a staff of videographers, photographers, audio technicians and producers who can capture your event and produce your video in the format you need. We can even help you with distribution is that is needed.Trust LeniCam with your big day and you won’t be disappointed.