Tag : Arbor Hills Nature Preserve

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Videographers Wedding Dallas TX Captures Fall Wedding

They Said It: Byron’s Wedding Wire Review of Videographers Wedding Dallas TX Videography is a unique kind of business. Every week LeniCam Video Productions is invited to weddings, game days, dance recitals, banquets and other events throughout North Texas. Sure we have a job to do there, but we also have the blessing of participating in the special moments of some very wonderful people. Nothing pleases us more than to know we’ve satisfied the hopes and desires of our clients. Here’s what Byron had to say about his video on Wedding Wire: “5.0 out of 5.0 Stars * Quality of Service: 5.0 Read more
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Tisha and Byron Dallas Wedding Video

Tisha and Byron - Casual Wedding Ceremony at Arbor Hills Nature Preserve in Plano captured in Dallas Wedding Video The late-November day began with an overcast sky.  A chilly breeze accompanied the denim-clad wedding party down the aisle.  Then, as the bride and groom began their vows, the sun broke out as if to bless their union.  Tisha and Byron were married at Arbor Hills Nature Preserve in Plano. A picnic pavilion of natural stone was the site of the ceremony.  Whimsical touches turned it into an enchanted chapel.  Sheer drapes held back with bouquets of flowers set off the Read more
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