Tag : School Sports

0 2014
  • Dallas Sports Videographer

Dallas Sports Videographer Asks, “What’s Your Game?”

What Sport Does Your Child Play? Asks a Dallas Sports Videographer Ah!  The kiddos are back in school.  For about five minutes you thought you were going to have a little more time to yourself.  Then the emails started.  PTA, Parents Night, rehearsal schedules, equipment lists...before you know it report cards will be out.  And sports?  What's your child's sport?  LeniCam Video Productions, Dallas Sports Videographer would like to know. The Importance of School Sports Public School Review lists 10 reasons it's important for your child to participate in school sports: Community Representation Fitness Improved Academics The 3 P's: Practice, Patience & Persistence Teamwork & Cooperation Positive Mentors Social Relationships Time Management Success Read more
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