Tag : Dallas Wedding Videographers

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Comparing Wedding Videographers by Price

Is Price the Best Way to Compare Wedding Vendors? This weekend the Dallas Bridal Show will be held at Market Hall. One question we know we're going to hear a lot of is "How much?"  It's an important question, but the answer from Dallas Wedding Videographers can be misleading. Which Piece of Paper Do You Want? At a recent vendor seminar, Naomi Butler, President and CEO of Bridal Shows, Inc., demonstrated the problem of comparing wedding costs to comparing the price of paper.  She asked a roomful of attendees the price of a piece of paper.  Since Naomi had given us notepads, someone wise-cracker Read more
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  • Dallas Wedding Videographers

Wedding Videographers for Dallas TX Add Photographer

Michelle Pourciau Photographer Joins Wedding Videographers for Dallas TX at LeniCam Video Productions LeniCam Video Productions, Wedding Videographers for Dallas TX, are no strangers to photography. From time to time we have provided photographs as a part of our services to a client, but now we actually have a dedicated photographer as a part of our team. Welcome Michelle Pourciau! Son Joshua Inspires a Passion for Photography Michelle was always interested in photography and thirteen years ago bought her first 35mm camera. When her son, Joshua, was born she wanted to capture everything about him, without missing Read more
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