Videos Wedding Dallas TX Announce Contest Winner

Bridal Show Contest Winner Named by Videos Wedding Dallas TX

Erica Cristan Wins a Free Love Story Video

During January the LeniCam crew participated in the Dallas Bridal Show at Market Hall.  To make it more fun, we created a contest we called The Most Romantic Moment.  We set up our camera in the booth and told brides they could win a free Love Story if they’d take the time to record a short video.  During the show we made twenty-three videos.

Laughter, Tears and Surprises

This was the first time we’d had a contest like this, so we weren’t sure what to expect.  One of us was worried no one would be interested, while someone else was was worried that we’d have so many lining up that we’d need crowd control.

As we recorded the brides we heard all kinds of stories.  Some had us all crying, while others had spectators laughing in the aisles.  One of the most surprising things was how many grooms had come along for the show and were eager to be recorded for the contest.

Thousands of Views

We told the brides to watch our Facebook page for the videos to be posted and then get their friends and family to vote for them by “liking” them.  As soon as we loaded the videos on our page, we started having all kinds of traffic.  The brides shared the videos with thousands of people.  You can still see the videos on our page.

Early leaders included Angelle Laurent, Christina Cutting and Nicole Renee Moebus.  Then a dark horse broke out of the pack.  Erica Cristan gained momentum and by the end of the week she was out in front.

Erica’s Story

Erica met her Pablo when she was 14 years old.  Pablo asked her out for her fifteenth birthday and Erica was eager to go.  The pair negotiated high school together, graduated together and are now living together.  Erica went on to explain that she loves Pablo with all her heart and that they’ve had” the ultimate love story.”  As she told how she wanted to spend her whole life with him and have their children, that’s when the tears began to flow.  Their wedding is set for the day after Thanksgiving and they look forward to spending it with their families and mutual friends.

Get Your Own Love Story Video

Our contest for a free Love Story Video is over, but you can still have us make one for you.  Call or email us now for more details.

LeniCam Video Productions – Videos Wedding Dallas TX


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