Cameras for Wedding Videography Dallas TX

Wedding Videography Dallas TX

LeniCam videographer Jonathan shoots with professional grade HD videocameras.

Tech Talk: Cameras for Wedding Videography Dallas TX

John Lenihan, owner and co-founder of LeniCam Productions, taped his first event in 1977. That event just happened to be his own wedding and the recording was an audio cassette.

Technology Then and Now

John’s first video was a slideshow of still photos synched with the audio cassette recording. Wedding videos have changed a lot since then, but John’s desire to capture precious memories with the latest in audio and visual technology has not changed.

Today, LeniCam uses professional-grade, high-definition video cameras and industry-standard wired and wireless microphones, as well as a full suite of software and hardware. A dedicated server room at our studio office safely stores all of our clients’ wedding videos.

What Brides Want

As we talk to brides about their wedding day, we hear two things over and over again.
• Number One: The bride wants us to capture every single detail of the day.
• Number Two: The bride wants the cameraman and equipment to be virtually invisible to the guests, participants and officiants.
Here at LeniCam we believe both are important.

Today’s Technology Choices

One of the easiest ways to capture absolutely everything at a wedding is to use consumer-grade DSLR still-cameras which include a video feature. Many wedding photographers have begun to include videography in their list of services by utilizing this technology. With these smaller digital cameras, the photographers can put themselves in the middle of the action and move quickly from one area to another.

LeniCam prefers to use professional-grade, high-definition video-only cameras for virtually all our events. For weddings, this is especially important, because we are sensitive to the bride’s second request – invisibility.

At close range, both the DSLR and the video camera record beautifully. Because of limited zoom capabilities, the DSLR must stay up close. To capture a bride’s walk down the aisle, a cameraperson with a DSLR would have to step out into the aisle with the bride and then physically move with her.

Our video cameras, which are much larger and heavier, have a greatly expanded zoom capacity. We can tape both close-ups and long shots without ever compromising video quality. These cameras, set up on tripods out of the guests’ line of sight, follow the bride from the vestibule to her groom’s side with crystal clear clarity. Meanwhile, the camera and the cameraperson remain in one spot, out of sight.

Because our cameras are stationary, vibration and movement are eradicated. Though DSLR’s may have a feature called Digital Stability Control, the feature cannot compensate 100%.
LeniCam videographers and their equipment stay out of sight and produce a higher quality video for your wedding memories.

What will the future bring?

In 1977 videography was the stuff of science fiction and no one had even dreamed of High Definition Blue Ray technology. Now it seems as if each day another impossible idea becomes an everyday necessity.

At LeniCam, John and his team are committed to capturing your precious wedding memories with the best technology available. Call us now at 972-378-0446 or email to set up your videography appointment.

LeniCam Video Productions – Wedding Videography Dallas TX

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