Tag : Wedding Videography

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Allow Your Wedding Videographer to Focus

Your Wedding Videographer Needs to Focus on Videography The All-in-One Promise "It slices! It dices! It grates! It will even julienne french fries." Somewhere along the way, on TV or at a trade show, we've all heard a salesman promise their tool can replace every other tool in your kitchen. Yet, when you get home, you discover that while the gadget will do all of the tasks on the list, it doesn't slice as well as the knife, dice as well as the foot processor, grate as well as the grater or julienne the fries the way you like them.  Believe it Read more
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Wedding Videography: A Great Investment

Value of Wedding Videography Grows with Time A wedding day is one of the most important milestones in life.  A wedding video captures the sights and sounds of the day.  It's one of the few things you can buy for your wedding that will be a part of your life after the festivities are over.  It's true value increases with time. Planning Ahead Most of the brides we met at the recent bridal shows were just beginning their wedding planning.  Many were still unsure of their exact date or venue.  The July 2015 bridal shows seemed to primarily attract women who were planning Read more
0 1981

Wedding Photography vs. Wedding Videography Dallas

What Will the Future Favor, Wedding Photography or Wedding Videography Dallas? When it comes to weddings, videography is still a new kid on the block.  Some wedding traditions have been around for thousands of years.  Though wedding videography can be traced to the earliest days of filmmaking, the wedding videography industry didn't get started until the 1980's when camcorders became available. Back in 2006, Wedding & Event Videographers Association International (WEVA) announced a survey of brides.  They found out: "Ninety-eight percent of surveyed newlyweds recommended that brides have their weddings videotaped." Only "a little more than half of surveyed brides considered wedding video a “Top Read more
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Videography Wedding Dallas Offers “Forever”

With Videography Wedding Dallas, You Can Have "Forever" In the Twentieth Anniversary Issue of Martha Stewart Weddings, Editorial Director, Darcy Miller, points out a very important fact: "Film is forever." She goes on to explain, "while we love our gorgeous [wedding] photos, it's fun to show our daughters the video - and we get to relive the day, too." That's why we do what we do.  Photos capture a moment, a smile, a dress, but a video will allow you to relive your wedding over and over again - not just the sights of the day, but the sounds and the movement Read more
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When to Book Your Videographer for Dallas Wedding

LeniCam videographers interview groom at Ashton Gardens. When is the Right Time to Book Your Videographer for Dallas Wedding? We hear it a lot. "I really want a wedding video, but I'm waiting to see if I can afford it." We hear it a lot and it breaks our hearts.  Much too often we see  brides who delay booking videography and then discover they can't afford it.  Sure, we hate losing a potential booking, but wedding videography is more than a business for us.  We see our work as an investment in the future. Most of the things you spend Read more
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Dallas Event Videographer, More Than Weddings

Dallas Event Videographer Produces Recital, Sports and Corporate Videos As Well LeniCam Video Productions, Dallas Event Videographer, was founded in 2003, but our founder, John Lenihan recorded a wedding for the first time in 1977. The wedding was his own. Technology has changed a lot since then, but the intense desire to capture once-in-a-lifetime events to be enjoyed over and over is the same. Wedding Videography Weddings are where we started and we still do more wedding videos than any other kind, but we go to a lot more weddings than John could shoot himself. On any given weekend during wedding season our Read more
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