Tag : Videographer for Dallas TX

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Dallas Event Videos – How Many Cameras

Dallas Event Videos look even better when recorded with multiple cameras. Why Two Cameras Are Better Than One in Dallas Event Videos The Magic of Media There's magic in media.  Selfies, Instagram and You Tube - these internet tools have transformed our lives.  A small device we can carry in our pocket has changed the way we share and remember our experiences.  Professionally produced Dallas Event Videos can supercharge these memories for special occasions. Your smartphone is a media tool.  A professional videographer arrives at your event with an entire arsenal of media tools.  LeniCam videographers use professional grade HD Read more
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Green Screen by Dallas Video Production

Shooting the Green Screen Video Dallas Video Production Company Shoots Green Screen Music Video What is Green Screen? You know when the weatherman shows you a map on TV?  Well, he's not really standing in front of a map.  He's standing in front of a blank screen.  The map is actually generated elsewhere and technology merges the two images to let the viewer see the weatherman pointing out a storm front. Special effects companies do the same thing.  They film your favorite characters or space ships or whatever and then superimpose them onto whatever landscape they want to.  We all know Read more
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Allow Your Wedding Videographer to Focus

Your Wedding Videographer Needs to Focus on Videography The All-in-One Promise "It slices! It dices! It grates! It will even julienne french fries." Somewhere along the way, on TV or at a trade show, we've all heard a salesman promise their tool can replace every other tool in your kitchen. Yet, when you get home, you discover that while the gadget will do all of the tasks on the list, it doesn't slice as well as the knife, dice as well as the foot processor, grate as well as the grater or julienne the fries the way you like them.  Believe it Read more
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Summer Variety for Dallas Videographer

Dallas Videographer's Summer is Full of Variety At this point of the summer break from school, moms are hearing a lot of complaints about boredom.  LeniCam, a Dallas Videographer Company, is anything but bored.  In fact, this summer has been full of new and unique projects. Brides Summer is bridal season for us and as usual, we've sent our videographers to many this year.  A trend we are seeing is a preference for wedding trailers over the more traditional highlight videos.  The trailers are shorter in length, have little to no relation to the order of the events and the activity in the Read more
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  • Dallas Wedding Videographer

Dallas Wedding Videographer: 4 Reasons You Need A Professional Videographer

You’ve been planning for months, maybe even years, for the most important day of your life - your wedding day -  and the last, big question you should asking yourself is, ‘Should I hire a professional Dallas wedding videographer?’ Here’s how hiring a professional Dallas wedding videographer makes the difference between a hide-it-in-the-back-of-the-bookshelf record of your wedding and a record you’ll cherish and want to look at time and time again: 1 - No More Guessing Games When you ask an amateur to do you a favor and make a video record of your wedding day and they promise to do the job, Read more
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  • Dallas Wedding Videographer

Make your memories immortal with Wedding Videographers

LeniCam Dallas wedding videographers are a guarantee for priceless memories, beautifully shot. Carefully chosen and skillfully arranged still photographs and vibrant video will make your special day one that you and your loved ones will love to relive over and over. Your wedding should be more than just a formality; it should be a reason to celebrate for the rest of your lives. With us as your Dallas wedding videographers, your celebration will last a lifetime.  Call 972-378-0446 today or visit us online at https://www.lenicamvideoproductions.com/ to set up a date between your momentous occasion and the peerless beauty of expertly captured Read more
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  • Dallas Wedding Videographer

Why You Need Top Wedding Videographers

There are some occasions that you never want to forget. Choosing the right Dallas wedding videographer is the first step to making sure you can relive those cherished memories for generations to come. Seeing your first child being born, their sweet 16 birthday party, their first time driving with their new license, graduating high school and college, your sweet child’s wedding day, special sports events and more are all great occasions a skilled wedding videographer can help you capture for a lifetime. These are moments that we cherish for a lifetime. That’s why everyone should seek out the services of LeniCam Productions Read more
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Let Wedding Videographers Capture Every Moment of Your Big Day

Wedding pictures are a nice way to take a walk down memory lane. However, when you have Dallas wedding videographers capture the event on video, you'll more than just remember the big day -- you'll relive it. Videos catch so many elements that still photography can't such as a word, a song or an interaction between people. Videos are better at preserving the actual atmosphere and mood of the day. Definitely have photos taken at your wedding, but enhance the memories by also having the event recorded on video. LeniCam Productions, Dallas wedding videographers, can capture every detail for you to Read more
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  • Dallas Wedding Videographer

Criteria for Choosing a Wedding Videographer

Wedding Videographer Selection Criteria Cutting back on your Dallas Wedding Videographer budget is not a decision you want to make. After the cake is cut and the guests have gone home, you only have photos and videos to help you remember your special day. You do not want that video to be subpar. The best way to make sure you get precisely the video you want in order to remember your day is to choose the right videographer for the job. Before you can make that decision, you need to understand the kind services that videographers can offer to get services Read more
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  • Dallas Wedding Videographer

Videos Say So Much More

Say So Much More with Wedding Videos A picture may be worth 1000 words but, when it comes to weddings, videos say so much more. Photography is such an ingrained part of the wedding experience most people go on the assumption that there will be a photographer present. However, with the technology available today, a professional Dallas Wedding Videographer can capture nuances of the day that still photography simply can't. That's not to say that wedding pictures are outdated and useless, but a video of the ceremony and the reception is like having the keys to Doc Brown's DeLorean. Anytime in Read more
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